Thursday 3 March 2022

Pagan Philosophy; appropriate to current events

  Over the endless plain of the frontier

The courageous Don Cossacks once rode

Free as birds in the boundless sky

And fish in the mighty rivers

Bowing to no master, but knowing

That to preserve their freedom

They must fight.


Silly people in the cities

Talk of dying for a cause

But a serious man knows

That for your cause to triumph

You must kill.


 In the end we shall all die

What matters is how we die

And what better way to die

Than in defence of your home

Surrounded by the bodies of your enemies?



The only immortality that is certain

Is when your children’s children

Tell stories of your valiant deeds.


The endless plains of the frontier

Once inspired Tolstoy, and Babel, and Sholokhov

And now they inspire

Vladimir Putin –

A serious man..

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