Saturday 8 August 2015

Now Is The Time!

( I wrote this some years ago, when I was studying Nazi ideology, and called it "A Futurist soliloquy from Dr Josef Goebbels", I have returned to it because I think it has relevance to events in the world today, particularly the behaviour of ISIS)

The past is dead, but still it sits
a moldering corpse upon a cobwebbed throne
and still its priests and acolytes
preach subservience to its stupid creeds
and tell us, this is good, but that is bad
thou shalt do this, but thou shalt not do that
self-serving claptrap! shameless lies!
by which the young are smothered by the old.

But now:
now is the time
you are strong
rise up!

Throw off the shackles that enslave you
tear down the rotten prison walls
take up the stinking rubbish of the past
and burn it: burn it all!

And from this cleansing flame there will arise
like a phoenix
a glorious new world.

Forward the fighters!