Wednesday 27 April 2016


When the meal was finished, the bottles were passed round and according to the tradition Dilsan, who was the oldest member present announced, Gentlemen! This is the occasion when we announce our resolutions for the coming year! I must remind you that the rules dictate that these should never be too serious, but I am sure you will agree that this year the unusual circumstances confronting us dictate that they should be exceptionally frivolous. Any member is free to challenge another on the charge of seriousness, with the accustomed penalties being imposed should the charge be upheld. So we shall go round the room, starting on my left, leaving me to go last. Amytar: you shall start.

"My resolution is that during the next year I shall attempt to make love to every pretty girl I meet!" Amytar announced. "You may all mock me and jeer at me if I dont!" Since he had to reputation of being rather shy, this naturally met with general approval and some laughter, except for those who had intended to announce the same resolution themselves, and would now have to think of something different.

Naturally, I dont recall more than a very few of the resolutions that were proffered. There were some amusing comments when Manturian, who was notoriously unfit and lazy, announced his intention of walking right round the coast of the island. Youll never manage it! someone hooted, Even if you manage to keep going, there wont be time for you to get more than halfway!” “Thatd be pushing it! came another comment, Id give you three days at the most, before you give up!” “Three hours, more like! But Maturin, rather spiffily, took the banter seriously and said he seriously intended to do it.

The only unpleasant moment came when someone, I cant recall who, said for his resolution that he would learn to swim. This was held to be in very poor taste. It provoked some bitter comments; one man even going as far to say, What do you hope to achieve by that? Prolong your miserable life by half an hour, if youre lucky? In fact, things could have turned quite nasty if Dilsan hadnt intervened by commenting, Exactly! That makes his resolution extremely trivial, which is what the club rules are aiming at! and fortunately this managed to calm the situation.
Finally, Dilsan himself rounded things off by announcing that during the coming year he intended to get drunk as often as possible. Youve made a good start! someone called out. I was only surprised that no-one else had opted for this resolution, since under the circumstances it was a highly sensible thing to aim for. And so the proceedings should have ended happily, had not Dilsan, his mind doubtless slurred by the drink, announced as a final toast, Gentlemen! To our next meeting! and a quite unnecessary shadow of gloom was cast over the gathering; because of course we all knew there would never be another meeting. By next year, the great island of Atlantis would have disappeared for ever, and so would we.