Wednesday 18 November 2015

The Tenth Man

(Genesis XIX, verses 20-31: "And the Lord said: the sin of the city is very great. But Abraham said to the Lord: Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? What if ten righteous men be found in the city? And the Lord said: if ten righteous men be found there, I will not destroy the city").    

So who was he, the tenth man
whose righteousness saved the city?
And where was he found:
in the office or the schoolroom,
the workshop or the bar,
or the little patch of grass where only the drunks go?
And did he realize?
Did he know it was for his sake 
the earthquake was dormant,
the tsunami was stilled,
the bombs did not fall,
the invading armies turned aside
and the city was saved  
by him?

This year, in Syria
he wasn't there at all.