Wednesday 22 March 2017


Anyone who was taught Latin in the traditional way will remember how to conjugate verbs; thus:-

Amo            I love
Amas          You (sing.) love
Amat           He/ She loves
Amamus     We love
Amatis        You (pl.) love
Amant        They love

Here are a couple of modern conjugations of verbs:-

1. "To hold beliefs"

I am firm
You (sing.) are obstinate
He/She is pig-headed
We stick to our principles
You (pl.) are doctrinaire
They are utterly blind to the true state of affairs

2. "To go on holiday

I am a traveller
You (sing.) are a tourist
He/She is a tripper
We have discovered a marvellous Greek island
You (pl.) have pushed the prices up alarmingly
They have ruined the place conpletely 

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