Friday 10 July 2015

Quiet Ghosts

He did not have a name,because he was dead. He could remember little of his past life, but he recalled the face of a girl whom he had very much wanted to meet. He drifted from town to town, over many countries, until eventually he found her in a hotel room. He was invisible to most people, but she could see him.
   "Hello!" she said, "Who are you?" She was not in the least bit frightened.
   "I don't know", he replied. "I just wanted to be with you". It was strange that they could understand each other,since they spoke different languages.
   She said, "Tomorrow I have to fly to America. I would like it if you could come with me".

They boarded the plane and he watched over her until she fell asleep. He then drifted along the cabin and into the cockpit. None of the passengers saw him, but the pilot did. With a sudden scream of fright the pilot drew a small automatic pistol and fired several shots. They passed harmlessly through him and punctured the fuselage of the aircraft. It immediately depressurized and plunged downwards into the waters of the Atlantic.
    There were no survivors of the disaster, but he and the girl drifted contentedly together through the world until they had both forgotten who they had been.  

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