Monday 10 September 2012

The Days

The first day was golden with the radiance of pure light, as the Sun rose. Creation began. But behind the radiance was the anti-light, the false creation, which is the greatest sin.

The second day was glittering silver beneath the Moon. It was a day of mysteries, of hidden things, and of the waters. And the sin of the second day was magic, and forbidden knowledge.

The third day was blood red, and it was the day of Mars. A day of struggle, a day of iron. The sin of the third day was violence, and blind rage.

The fourth day was black as the infinite void, but from the blackness rose swift Mercury, the Quicksilver, who made it a day of buying and selling, of coming and going, and of messages. The sin of the fourth day was greed.

On the fifth day the firmament was painted bright blue, and its lord was Jupiter. So great was he that some confused him with his Maker. And the sin of the fifth day was pride.

The sixth day was the shining green of verdigris. Here lay the naked form of Venus, who commanded it to be a day for lovemaking. And so the sin of the sixth day was lust.

The seventh day was rich imperial purple, robing ancient Saturn as he yawned on his leaden throne of unendurable weight. On this day all creatures rest from their labours. So the sin of the seventh day was idleness.

So the first week ends.

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