Tuesday 2 April 2019

The Maker of Dreams

I happened to be in the back office when the new client was being interviewed, and against all regulations some doors had been left slightly ajar, so I could hear most of what was being said.

   "So, Mr Robson, let's just check through the details of what you wish to feature in your dreams. For a start, would you like us to alter your appearance? Looking like you did thirty years ago, but taller, and, shall we say,more virile? That shouldn't present any problems. And what other party would you like to feature? Maria Angleton, you say: the singer and actress? No problem: we have plenty of digital images of her. And she would be wearing what? I see. No, I can assure you that everything we discuss here is entirely confidential.
   "Now, perhaps you could tell us the setting you would envisage? Most of our customers, if they choose an outdoor setting, would prefer a tropical beach. So you'd like a flowery meadow on a mountainside? A real place, or somewhere imaginary? Let's run through some of the examples we can offer....
   "And the last question, naturally, is what the two of you will be doing. I see. Straightforwardly, or with a few extras? Perhaps I can make some suggestions you might like to consider..."

 This discussion continued for some time, at the end of which the aforesaid Mr Robinson paid the bill. He was then given something, which of course I couldn't see,but which I assumed was some kind of electrode. He was instructed to attach it to his head before he went to sleep, so his chosen dream could be transmitted to him. The final words were to tell him that if he was satisfied with his dream, then it could be leased to him on a monthly basis, with the possibility of further modifiecations.

I naturally assumed that the purpose of the operation was blackmail of the unfortunate but gullible Robinson. I was unable to feel much sympathy for him in his likely future predicament. But I later discovered there was much more to it than that: his chosen dream would include were essentially subliminal adverts,telling him what products to buy and also who to vote for at the next election.

   That's why I think this organisation must be officially investigated as soon as possible. 

Or is it already too late?