Wednesday 18 May 2016

A Kiss

It was the waiting that was the worst. He had eaten an evening meal with all his friends, and now he sat in the park, watching and wondering. The spring night was warm. Above him the two stars known as the Twins wheeled slowly westwards across the cloudless sky, and Orion began his descent below the horizon, but the heavens provided him with no guidance. What should he do? The longer he stayed there, the more likely it was that he would face an outcome too terrible to contemplate; and the more unavoidable it became; but still he did not stir. How could he go? And where?

He wondered how everything could have fallen apart so disastrously, and so suddenly. Just a few days before, he had scored an incredible popular triumph: the biggest of his career. He had felt invincible; the world at his feet. So how come he was now here, all alone; paralysed with fear and indecision? What could have gone so wrong? Had he made any mistakes? If so, what were they, and why did it now seem far too late to amend them?

There was the sound of footsteps brushing through the undergrowth: many feet were approaching. He looked up, and in the haunting light of the moon recognised one of his closest friends, but following behind was a party of armed police. He guessed what was going to happen, but, realising that his path was now set, allowed his friend to greet him with a hug and a kiss. The man then turned to the escort and said, This is the one you want. This is Jesus